Radiation Solutions services many irradiator types at significantly less cost and faster responses than most manufacturers. Models we service include:
• Gammaknife – all models
• Nordion GammaCell 40, 200, & 220
• Theratronics GammaCell 1000, 3000 & Gammator 38 Series
• JL Shepherd – 109, 78-2M, Mark 1, 89, 484, 142 & 81
• Leksell Gamma Systems 23004 & 24001 series
• All Co-60 Teletherapy Systems

Radiation Solutions is qualified and licensed to install your irradiators that employ Cobalt 60 and Cesium 137 sources.

Let us help you plan and move your irradiators to a new location in a safe and compliant manner.

Source Reloading
We are authorized to reload and transfer Cobalt 60 and Cesium 137 sources.

We extract sources and dispose them to an NRC-licensed disposal facility in a timely fashion.

Annual Maintenence
We are trained and licensed to perform routine and non-routine gauge repairs and maintenance whenever required.

Emergency Response
As an NRC-Licensed Service Provider we are available 24/7/365 to assist in any and all gauge/source recovery efforts.

We can resource parts to perform repairs on most irradiator models.

Buy a New Irraditor
We are a licensed distributor for the Model 812. This system delivers a versatile radiation dose to samples without the need for a concrete bunker or additional shielding for personnel safety. This irradiator is a large capacity (9 + liters) self-contained irradiator with variable dose rates. Three separate Cobalt 60 sources can be utilized individually or in combination to expose up to 832.5 TBq (22,500 curies) of Cobalt 60 to the samples.
Samples can be positioned on up to three turntables (volumetric irradiation) of various diameters with up to X 8 attenuation to provide dose rates from milliSv to kiloSv/per minute. The turntables can be removed to allow for planar irradiation.
The Model 812 is delivered with dosimetry charts to provide dose rate and dose distribution for all turntable/attenuator combinations and planar geometry. Source rods are electro-pneumatically controlled with FAIL-SAFE operation.